Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Equus Self Criticism

Self Critisism:

I feel that that design 1, while works in terms of organisation of space is generic and not dynamic or exciting enough for the residence. design 2, a continuation of design one into sketch up helped explore the lighting in terms of designinf fenestrations. I liked the effect of the tower/light shaft. Over all i feel it lacked something, perhaps it may have worked better if it had been split inot levels or someway incorporated into the ground. Design 4, again lacked soemthing, a more dynamic form perhaps could have been more effective.

I liked design 3 the best and felt it has the most potential to carry on to the next assignment. I am pleased with how the plan and section have been interchangable and i feel it works well. I also think the overall shape work aestetically. Although the tower for this residence looks like an afterthought and while the idea is ok, i think it could be done much better.

The next step (as advised in todays crit session) is to further incorporate the character into the design. The space should feel more of the Park Attendent. How can i use the park attendant and the notion of the panther to be further infused into the architecture of the residence, now that an overall form has been decided (not set in stone though)...

Things to think about:
-the phenomenological
-re-evaluate the tower for this design
-futher infusing the character with the building
-i think i need to re-look at internal dynamics also.

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